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Package testoob :: Module coverage :: Class Coverage |
Python code coverage module built specifically for checking code coverage in tests performed by Testoob.
NOTE: This class depends on the 'trace' module.Method Summary | |
initialize the code coverage module, gets list of directories and files which's coverage is not needed. | |
Returns a dictionary of statistics. | |
Runs the function with arguments and keyword arguments, and checks the code coverage. | |
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Should we check coverage for this file? | |
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Helper method for _total_{lines,covered} | |
Trace function to be put as input for sys.settrace() |
Method Details |
initialize the code coverage module, gets list of directories and
files which's coverage is not needed.
getstatistics(self)Returns a dictionary of statistics. the dictionary maps between a filename and the statistics associated to it. The statistics dictionary has 3 keys: lines - the number of executable lines in the file covered - the number of lines covered in the file percent - the percentage of covered lines. This dictionary also has a special "file" (key) called '__total__', which holds the statistics for all the files together. |
runfunc(self, func, *args, **kwargs)Runs the function with arguments and keyword arguments, and checks the code coverage. |
_should_cover_frame(self, frame)Should we check coverage for this file? |
_sum_coverage(self, callable)Helper method for _total_{lines,covered} |
_tracer(self, frame, why, arg)Trace function to be put as input for sys.settrace() |
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